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Episode 16: Our Favorite Plus Size Male Models & Influencers Vol. 1


More and more plus size models and influencers are hitting the scene every week. We share a very incomplete list of our favorites - people you should definitely be following.



Beer from this episode: Australian Kiss

Big thanks to our listener Jerry from Dallas for the amazing beer! 


Zach Miko


Kelvin Davis



Daniel Franzese


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Imma classic man. (@isergiogarcia)

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🤫 #stylehasnosize

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🇮🇹 Anche se l’estate sta volgendo al termine, non è arrivato ancora il momento di conservare nell’armadio l’abbigliamento estivo. Soprattutto i costumi da bagno. Se infatti durante le vostre vacanze avete messo da parte gli speedo investendo in dei più comodi pantaloncini da bagno, questi potrebbero essere l’indumento ideale da indossare durante i giorni afosi con il resto dei vestiti. In fondo, se sono dei pantaloncini, non servono solo per nuotarci. E se non ne avete ancora un paio, questo potrebbe essere il momento opportuno per pensarci. . 🇬🇧 Even if summer is coming to its end, it’s not yet the time to store summer clothing in the closet. Especially swimwear. If you have put aside the speedo investing in some more comfortable swimshorts during your holidays, these could be the ideal garment to wear during the muggy days with the rest of your summer clothes. After all, if they are shorts, they are not just for swimming. And if you do not have a pair yet, this may be the right moment to think about it. . ▶️ link in bio . . . #bopogoals #bodypositive #honormycurves #effyourbodystandards #plussize #bopo #bodypositivity #bodyposi #loveyourself #loveyourbody #celebratemysize #nobodyshame #plusisequal #bigandblunt #goldenconfidence #bodyconfidence #bodyacceptance #fatpositive #celebratemysize #everyoneisbeautiful #sizedoesntmatter #positivebodyimage #iamsizesexy #bodyimagemovement #allbodiesaregoodbodies #eubiyou #eubiofficial

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Kava King



Ady Del Valle



Tess Holiday 

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Sunday was #womensequalityday & I’m grateful to not only be my own boss, but to be able to empower a team of women who help me everyday to be the best I can be, and to spread our message of self love. . . I remember the exact moment I decided to make the leap to being self employed. My boss was taking his 3rd vacation that year, and although he’d definitely worked hard - so had I - and I hadn’t been given an opportunity to even have one. . I was privileged to be in a position to make that work - but all of us have the power to change not only our own life, but the lives of women around you. Stand up for the welfare of your fellow women - the immigrants, the LGBT, the people of color. Less than 100 years ago women couldn’t even vote - don’t waste your opportunity to be counted on the right side of history. Outfit is @modcloth 💕✨ 📷 @iloveuhoneybunny Glam @hisvintagetouch @shablamgela #modclothsquad #effyourbeautystandards #ad

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Troy Solomon




Ashley Graham




Rob Robinson


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